
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Please Help Us Welcome Our New DT Members!

I'm posting this a day early...I'm not good at the waiting game!

First off, a HUGE thank you for all of you who have joined us the last 4 weeks and worked hard at getting those layouts done. I also want to thank those of you who have either emailed me personally or commented. Thank you for your support. This was not easy!

I've been emailing back and forth with my DT for help as this was SUPER hard. You girls are full of amazing talent and you didn't make it easy! I have decided that for those who weren't chosen this time around, I am going to have Guest DT spots, so I'll be in touch. PLEASE don't be discouraged that you weren't chosen. There were 11 entries and I said I was only looking for 5. If I could choose all 11, believe me, I would have!! It certainly is nothing personal...I've gone over all the entries again and again and trying to make sure I have a little of something for everyone. I truly hope you'll continue to join us week after week and when the time comes for a new DT call, I hope you'll try again!!

Some of my current DT members are staying board for another term, they asked, how could I refuse!!
  • Ashley
  • Denise
  • Heather
  • Lauren
  • Sue
  • Tiffany
Kristie, Ali and Leisa are moving on to new adventures and I want to wish them all well. We'll miss you guys and you've been such an inspiration, please join us when you can!!! My daughter, Ashleigh, is just such a social butterfly, that she has decided it's in her best interest to play along when she can as well. Have a super fun summer my girl!!! PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!

So, I know you're all waiting please help me welcome my newest DT members!!
Welcome girls!! We're super excited to have you join us. Can you please email me so I can get you all the details? I know some people don't have the email option on their blogs. Thanks a bunch and look fwd to hearing from you!


  1. Thank you Karen and thank you to the girls who helped in getting me picked. I am SUPER excited. Wow, I am so blessed to be among such talent. Looking forward to working with each and every one of you
    Congrat to the other girls also. Wtg, you all are fantastic
    Brenda B

  2. Wow...I am so excited!!! Thank you for picking me. I am really looking forward to participating in this fabulous blog and I'm honoured to by picked by the rest of your awesome DT.

  3. Congratulations to the new team members. I can't wait to work with you.

  4. Oh how soooo incredibly happy I am to have been chosen for one of the new DT's. :-) I am THRILLED and and so honored to have my layouts along the side of all of yours!! Thanks so much! Can't wait to work with all of you!!!

  5. WOW, thank you so so so much!!!! cannot believe I was chosen!!! A big thank you to Karen for her great site, and to everyone who has said such nice things about my layouts!---Yea, cannot wait to participate in the D/T challenges!!! :)

  6. Congrats to all the new DT members! I can't WAIT to work with all of you!!


  7. Congratulations to the new members sorry I won't be working with you. You will have a great time and I look forward to seeing all your creations.
    Karen - I promise I will join in as often as I can.

    Hugs Ali x

  8. Congratulations to your new team, Karen!! I look forward to joining in on the challenges... :)

    Amy :) at
