
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reader's Submission - "Eggsperiment"

Ok, so don't ya just LOVE this LO!! Today's submission comes to us from Teenabug, be sure to pop over and leave her a comment!!! Teena, grab your "I Was Featured" badge code from the left sidebar girl, you deserve it!!!

Don't forget to join us this week, it's an Easter theme! Have a GREAT day!

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh y'all are so awesome! I wasn't expecting this but thank you so much!!! Funny story......Jesse is home today with me (which is a much longer story, but And I called him over here to look....."Jesse!!! You are famous!!! Look!!!" He gets this BIG grin and giggles and says "Yeayyyyyyyyyyyy I'm famous!!!!!" and does this moonwalk kinda thing and then says "But I'm still sick!!" and jumps back on the couch and under the covers.....LOLOLOL. thinks I've been snookered!!!!

    Thanks ladies! Y'all rock :):):)
