
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Challenge #51 - Try Something New

Good morning and Happy Sunday!!! I have been checking everyone's entries, but when I try to post, I get this msg: "Your current account ( does not have access to view this page" So, I can't comment!! I've been using our little "ThinkPad" because we've lost our main desktop PC, (it's in being fixed, they think it's the motherboard and it's BRAND new!) so I haven't been able to do any blogging and will have to add my entry later this week .. good thing I have such an amazing DT!!

First of all .. thank you all for joining us last week and good luck to those who are trying out for the DT call!! Remember to join ALL the challenges this mth!! You can find all the DT info HERE. Now, here's your TOP 3 for this week!!! Congrats ladies and be sure to grab your badge from the left sidebar!
This week we would like you to try something new and go a little out of your comfort zone. Maybe try a new technique (you can find some great ones on YouTube) or try a new product that you've been wanting to try and be sure to leave a comment on what you tried AND what you thought about it!! We can use this challenge as a tutorial for all of us! Have fun with this and can't wait to see what you create and what you choose to try this week!!

Here's some great ideas from the DT to get you moving!



  1. Everyon's pages are so amazing!!!! This one oughta be a blast!!!

  2. Karen, it probably is the motherboard. ALL THE LO'S ARE WONDERFUL!!!

  3. Thank you so much! I am so honored! Everyone's layouts were just awesome!

  4. What a fun challenge. Finally opened the bottle of Liquid Pearls that's been sitting on the desk for months and love the stuff. Thanks for the push.

  5. great challenge & dt projects! it's always so much fun to do new things! hugs!

  6. awesome challenge.. great layouts, I just became a follower found you on Feline..glad i did

  7. What great layouts from the DT. Been fun seeing what everyone "tried" this month.

  8. Great challenge. Loved trying something new and getting out of my ruts.
