
Friday, September 23, 2011

Reader's Submission - "Lil Pumpkins"

First of all... THANK YOU to those of you that have sent heartfelt messages and are continuing to say your prayers for one of our friends and DT member Evanna and her family.  They are most surely appreciated and will hopefully put a sparkle in Evanna's eye.  Thank you all!  Please continue to keep her in your thoughts!!

Now on to today's post.  Thank gosh it's Friday!  It's Michele here today to bring you our FEATURED layout from JESSICA.  All the fun little buttons, tags, embellies and the twine tieing it all together really caught my eye!  Congratulations Jessica and be sure to grab your "FEATURED" button from our left side bar. 

There is still time to join our Current Sketch Challenge using Fall Colors.  Looking forward to what you show us!!  LINK UP by Saturday 9/24 @ 9pm EST.
Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness, I am flattered beyond explanation. Thank you so much for the feature and the wonderfully kind words!!! It was a pleasure to participate in this challenge!
