
Friday, September 30, 2011

Reader's Submission - "McVIC"

Oh my gosh... it really is FRIDAY!  Woo hoo!  Hope you all have fun things planned for the weekend and MOST importantly have some time for some scrappin'?? 
It's Michele with you today to share this gorgeous and brave layout from KACEE.  Kacee... LOVE that you scrapped yourself... thus I described this at "Brave." :-)  We are all guilty of not doing this more.  Fun colorful flowers framing your beautiful portrait!! Congratulations Kacee!!  Grab your "I was Featured" badge from our left sidebar and display proudly.  Thanks so much for joining us this week!

There is still a little time to get your Frames and Flowers layout linked up!  Saturday 10/1 @ 9pm EST is the deadline.  Love seeing everyone's creativity!!