
Sunday, June 17, 2012

LMCB#93 - "Color Me Happy" & 2nd Blogaversary Hop!!


Good morning friends!! Before we get to today's challenge, I want to say 'thank you' to all of you for your continued support at Lasting Memories. Tmw marks the 2nd blogaversary of this challenge blog! When I decided I wanted to run a LO's only challenge, I wasn't sure if it would take off or not and it certainly has! I've met some amazing ppl and seen a lot of talent, not to mention I've got a lot of pages done!!! I want to thank past DT and present DT for all you've done .. you ladies rock!

Before we move on, Winner of Stacia's Giveaway is ...
Congrats!! Please contact STACIA to claim your prize!

TOP 3 for our Sweatin' With The Oldies


Congrats ladies! Be sure to grab your badge if you haven't already done so!

To celebrate LM's 2nd Blogaversary, some of us are showcasing our layouts this week with a mini blog hop.  You should be arriving here from HAVEN'S blog and if you're just popping in, be sure to start at KAREN'S blog so you don't miss a thing!!! Along the way there could be candy, so be sure to pay attention! Our challenge is an easy one .. an inspirational photo/color challenge!

Once you've hopped around, be sure to come back and join the fun because Karen has decided to give one lucky entry a $25 gift certificate for Close To My Heart!!! 

"This is open to everyone, including my DT and winner will be chosen by Help celebrate this milestone with us!!"

Here's an awesome sketch from Tanya Leigh Designs if you need a little help!!

Master List In Case You Get Lost


  1. I went thru the blog hop _ couldn't find a couple of the spots, but loved seeing everyones layouts.
    Congrats on 2 years of your challenges.
    I always love to check each week and work on your newest challenge.

  2. Congrats on making it two years! It has truly been an awesome experience designing for this team!
    Elizabeth LMDT

  3. Great challenge!~ Had fun with this one~

  4. Amy is the one I couldn't find, I commented on all the others!

  5. Great hop. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

  6. wow- happy 2 year blogiversary!! Thanks for picking me as a top 3, always love your challenges!! =)Tiffany
    Breakfast at Tiffany's
