
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September's Guest DT - Toni!

Looking for Monday Mojo? Click HERE and click above link for a direct link to our current challenge!
We are so excited to introduce you to this month's Guest DT, Toni!!! Of course, her darling little boy Hunter needs recognition here to as he helped with this gorgeous LO. Toni did a little lifting from both Elizabeth AND Kimberly!! Very creative, lifting off two layouts!!
Here's a little about Toni .. 
I'm 25, (about to be 26 on the 14th September) 
My boys Lane 9 and Hunter 2..
Finally made the walk downt he aisle at Easter last year.
(And it was showcased on the Four Weddings Australia tv show) 
In between my scrapping I also seem to fit in having 3 excutive positions at the local Football club, 1 at the local Swimming club, I'm an Official Chief Stewart at the speedway (which means I'm in charge of alot of middle aged guys racing in circles on dirt.. lol), 1 position on the school P&F group and also the co-ordinator of another school group. 
I travel a 4 hour round trip often on weekends just to attend classes and crops at my favourite scrap store. 
I have created my blog for the sole purpose of sharing my love of Scrapbooking! I love all kinds of Craft, but my real passion is with Scrapbooking and Card Making! I have two wonderful boys who fill the inspiration for my most of my layouts. And a very supportive husband who encourages me to express my creative side. 

And here's her layout debut!!
Here's the LO that Hunter and I did this morning, he was a great little helper 
(photos attached of him at his own Scrap Station trimming some paper and Distressing our LO base)
I "lifted" the layout sketch from Elizabeth and "lifted" the multiple circle photos and rosette flower from Kimberly... 

Welcome to the team, Toni! We're super excited to have you on board and look forward to seeing your creations this month!


  1. Hi Toni! you're as pretty as your LO's are! Lot's of talent! WELCOME!!!

  2. oh Toni... your LO is amazing!!!! love it
