
Sunday, March 11, 2018

LM #386 - March Nat'l Month Of...National Craft Month

Hello, crafty friends! Happy Sunday! Did you remember to set your clocks forward an hour? I always miss that extra hour of sleep, but I do enjoy the longer days.

We are back with our third challenge of the month today. Our theme for March is - March - National Month Of... and this week's challenge is:

 LM #386 - National Craft Month - create a layout about a craft that you do or your craft room.

We want to see what kind of crafts you like to do or your creative space. We all scrap so this should be a very easy one for us :)

Here's a look at what the design team has created, starting with our guest designers:

 I created a layout with my daughter creating some paper flowers. We did this together, but I only took some photos from her 😜

Two of the things I love most, Scrapbooking with family and friends and raising money for a wonderful cause.

We can't wait to see what you create! Link up your layouts by Saturday, March 31st for your chance to win this:

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!


  1. Another amazing reveal ladies....well done!

  2. Love your gallery of inspiration and fantastic challenge. Huggies!
