
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Late DT submission from AMY. Show us those TAGS!!

Hi everyone!  It's Michele here to share with you a late submission from our fellow DT member AMY - from Love To Crop.  I just love all thse TAGS!  Talk about mastering this challenge!  Great job Amy!!

You still have a little under 7 hours to join our Current Challenge and show us your TAGS on your layouts!! 

Stay tuned for tomorrow to see if you made the Top 3!!  :-)

And... in case you are wondering... Karen and I toned down a little on the "Featured" layouts this week.  We were waiting for a few more submissions... and you all started to come through in the last 24 hours!  Yay!!  Glad you are getting those photos on paper.
We also might shake things up a bit in the next weeks to come.  So be looking for a few things NEW to start in the month of November.

So glad you all join us from week to week.  You inspire us all tremendously!!
Happy Scrappin'!!

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