
Friday, October 14, 2011

Introducing .. A New DT Member!

Good morning friends! Michele and I have been chatting a little and since we have 2 DT members dealing with some personal issue's right now, we decided to add one more person to our DT. I didn't want to run a DT call for one person, so I went back through my challenges and this person has joined just about every single challenge this term, has commented on our personal blogs and has been an inspiration. So, without further a-do, please give a warm welcome to ... Suzanne!! Here's what Suzanne has to say about herself:

"Hello everyone! Hi this is Suzanne from I am so excited that I have been asked to be a designer for Lasting Memories. I love the challenges at Lasting Memories, as they give me so much inspiration to keep up with my scrapbooking. I retired over a year ago after teaching 33 years to become a full time grandmother. I have been blessed with 3 sweet granddaughters in the last 22 months, so I have lots of pictures to keep me busy. I usually use my Cricut Expression or Imagine to create layouts, cards, home decor and other projects. I am a member of the Cricut Circle and am on the Design Team for Sweet Sassy Diva and Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog. I find so much inspiration from other crafters and love to learn new techniques. I am looking forward to sharing with you here at Lasting Memories" 

Welcome Suzanne!! We look fwd to working with you!!!


  1. Welcome Suzanne. Glad you could come share your talent with us.

  2. Welcome Suzanne!! So very deserving!! Excited to see your creations continuously. You will love it here.

  3. Welcome Suzanne
    I've admired your talent for some time now and am so glad you've joined us.
    Brenda LMDT Member
    I would be honored if you came to see my blog here

  4. Thanks ladies. I am thrilled to join in as a Guest Designer. I love the challenges, love your work and am very inspired each week. Let scrapping begin. :)

  5. Congrats Suzanne! I love all of your lo's. Can't wait to see more of your work.

  6. Welcome to the team!!! Sorry I'm so behind! :) I'm so glad to have you on board! I've loved all your entries for the challenges!
