Our "Scrappy" Friends!


Hello fellow scrapbookers!!! Welcome to "Lasting Memories" which is all about LAYOUTS!! Yes, JUST layouts! There are no cards allowed here. We have weekly themed challenges, but you have the whole month to get in on the fun! Our challenges begin each Sunday at 8am EST and all 4 challenges will end on the date listed on the sidebar at 6pm EST. At month's end, we will choose a GDT to join us for a month! Only one entry per challenge, and no back-linking is allowed since we would love to know that we "challenged" you. We look forward to challenging you and helping you get your pages completed!

Specialized Hosting Sites

A lot of crafters use specialized hosting sites that not all of us have access to. We just wanted to let you know that if we don't comment, it's because we don't have access - but we see your work here at LM and appreciate your taking the time to link up and show off your style!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happy Holidays!

from all of here at Lasting Memories!!! 
Cya back here this coming Sunday as we kick off our 2016 challenges!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

"Lights" on this Merry Christmas Eve... FEATURE

Happy Holidays... Merry Christmas Eve... and how about this fun layout to share with you.
This is from our "National Roof Over Your Head" challenge... where Karrie is showing us the beauty of Christmas lights on her house and in her yard.  

All links are on the right side bar... you have until the 30th to join 1 or all of our challenges.  There is a PRIZE as well..  :) Hope in the hustle and bustle you all get some scrappy time.
Thanks for stopping by...


Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

LM #273 - National cut out a Snow Flake Day w/optional Holiday twist

Image result for snowflakes

This weeks challenge is National cut out a Snow Flake Day w/optional Holiday twist!
When : Always December 27
Make Cut Out Snowflake Day is  here and now. Here's a day to show your crafty skills, as you make paper snowflakes. Making cut out snowflakes is a great project for kids. However, you don't have to be a kid, to have fun making paper snowflakes. It's a skill that is practiced by many people. They say no two snowflakes are alike. It shouldn't come as a surprise, that there are seemingly countless different snowflake designs. Templates abound, from fast and easy patterns, to intricate time consuming designs to challenge the most practiced "snowflaker". So, if you like snow...bring it on! Bring out the paper and scissors, and cut out some paper snowflakes on this very special  Make Cut Out Snowflake Day. "Make a Cut-Out Snowflake" - Scrap about Snow, Snowflakes, Winter etc... Or Switch: Holiday Winter Wonderland

This will also be our last challenge of 2015! Can you believe another year has gone by! All the links to Decembers challenges are listed on the sidebar, so please join in if you have some time to sneak away to your craft room. We will leave the challenges up till Wednesday, December 30 and then we will close and the voting will take place after the challenge has ended till Saturday, Jan 2. We'll be kicking off a new year of challenges on Sunday, January 3!
Let's get this started shall we?
GDT - Lizzy
Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

Our last challenge of 2015!!! Let's show off all those layouts! Join us January 3 as we kick off a new year with new challenges! Thank you for all your support and for joining us week after week! Lots of inspiration and talent out there!! Thank you!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How About Some Inspiration!?

Hello! How is everyone doing and are you ready for the holidays? We are getting there but the best gift is having our son home for the Christmas Break. Best gift ever having both our kid's home and just enjoying some family traditions. Speaking of traditions .. do you guys out there have any that you'd like to share? We'd love to hear them!

So, lets get some inspiration flowing here - with the holidays upon us and not a lot of crafty time, these deserve to be shared!

(National Ding a Ling Day challenge)

From our National Roof Over Your Head Day Challenge

(I LOVE this idea for this challenge!)



From our National Brownie Day or Holiday Baking Challenge



These layouts are all amazing and I love the different creative thoughts on each challenge as I know some of these were totally out of the box! Thank you for inspiring us and stay tuned for more inspiration over the next few days!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

LMCB # 272 - "National Ding-a-ling Day" or Funny Holiday Happenings

Okay... Here we are finally and thank you for being so patient!!
Let's get right to it...
Another silly National Holiday to recognize... See in red below what to scrap about for this challenge.

National Ding-a-Ling Day (A)
Date When Celebrated : Always December 12
Today is  National Ding-a-Ling Day, a very special day to "Ring your Bell".  Nope, we're not talking about the Salvation Army Bell Ringers, standing with their bells and kettles, outside of every store in the country. On National Ding-a-Ling Day, you should brace yourself for bizarre and crazy behavior, from all of the people you encounter today. Even normally conservative people have been known to go a little crazy on this day. Some people say this is a day for wackos, lunatics, and others who are off their rocker. We say, it is simply a day to cut loose, act a little weird. What do you do to celebrate this day? Be ever vigilant to the ding-a-lings that will come out of the woodwork. Ding-a-Lings will be everywhere: on the road, on the street, in stores, and even in your house! We suggest you get into the holiday spirit, and become a ding-a-ling yourself......But, please do so for just one day.  
For the record: Ding-a-Lings and Ding Bats are not quite the same thing.

LMCB # 272
"National Ding-a-ling Day" -
Scrap about funny people, things comedic anything.

Or switch: Scrap about funny Holiday Happenings (ex: Elf on the Shelf)

And here is our wonderful examples from our GDT's and DT!  Thank you Ladies!!




Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Newest Challenge for this week coming soon!

So sorry we are running late... please stay tuned... newest challenge will be posted soon.

This is Michele here... and we just got our Cable/Internet etc. turned back on after a wind storm.
So after cleaning up a bit in my own home, will clean up here with you!!

Thank you for understanding and your patience!  :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

LMCB # 271 - 'National Brownie Day" or "Holiday Baking"

Scrappers... it's Sunday again.. which means we bring you the next fun challenge for December.  In keeping with those funny national holidays... this next one is all about Brownies or Baking.  :)  See below.
National Brownie Day 
When : Always December 8
National Brownie Day celebrates chocolatey, chewy brownies.
Brownie lovers, love chocolate. Conversely, chocolate lovers, love brownies. Therefore, its only natural, that we have a special day to celebrate brownies. It's fun and easy to enjoy this special day. First, select your favorite brownie recipe, and bake a batch of brownies. You can add nuts, if you prefer. Topping the brownies with chocolate frosting is a good thing, too. Finally, eat them! You can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack.
P.S. Don't forget the glass of milk!  
Happy National Brownie Day.

LMCB # 271 
"National Brownie Day."
Scrap about brownies, brown things, brownie troop etc...

Or switch: 
Scrap about Holiday Baking.

Here are some fabulous examples from our GDT and DT.  

Intorducing our 2nd December GDT -

Hi everyone. My name is Cheryl Even and I live near Los Angeles, CA. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for almost 24 years, and I’m a SAHM to my two wonderful boys and to two sweet foster children. I love scrapbooking, and have been doing it since my first Creative Memories encounter in 1996. I’ve come a long way on my scrapping journey since then, but my favorite tools are still paper and stamps. I love the clean and simple look, and most of my layouts tend to be pretty linear. I’m the scrapbook sketch designer for Splitcoast Stampers, but I love to use other people’s sketches, too! I’m also a challenge junkie, and I try to incorporate at least one challenge (like the fun ones from Lasting Memories) into every layout I create. When not scrapbooking, I can be found doing homework with my kids, reading, playing the piano, or working on a Bible study. Thanks for inviting me to be a guest designer this month, Lasting Memories team. I’m really looking forward to the other challenges!

December GDT - LIZZY

Here is my take on National Brownie Day. I didn't have any baking photos, but I thought these Gingerbread garland crafty photos fit right into the brown theme.


Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Votes Have Been Cast!

Good morning! Thank to those who took the time to vote for our November winners! Something new and it does help, not to mention, it's nice having our readers help us out! So without further a-do here are our winners!

Our Top 3 in no particular order




And the person who received the most overall votes and who we would love to be our next Guest Designer, should she accept .. 


Christel, please email Karen and let us know if you accept!

Congrats everyone!!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

LM #270 - National Roof Over Your Head Day

Need your Votes!!
Hey... have you seen our new voting system yet?  We need your help deciding on all those fabulous layouts from November.  Just click on the HEART in the right corner of each layout you LOVE and your vote will be counted.
Here are the challenge links...
LM 266 - 5 things you are thankful for
LM 267 - who are you thankful for?
LM 268 - thankful inspirational photo
LM 269 - BINGO

A while back, we asked our DT what they would like to see in our challenges and we had a lot of neat ideas and suggestions. There are some people out there that do not celebrate Christmas, don't see snow etc so we wanted to make sure that our December challenges could include everyone so we did some digging and you will see that our challenges this month are a little out of the box, but we think you'll have fun with them AND we will also be adding a twist for those that want to add Christmas, snow etc.
Here's our first challenge of December!
LM #270
National Roof Over Your Head Day - Date When celebrated : Always December 3

Today is  National Roof Over Your Head Day. It is a day of appreciation for the things we have, starting with the roof over our heads. For most of us, a roof over our head signifies living in a house that protects us from the elements, keeping us warm, dry, and cozy. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as you and I. There are many homeless people right here in our country. Some people live in a cardboard box on the street...... literally. There are millions of people around the world who live in poverty or disaster areas, and do not have a home to keep them comfortable and safe. Spend a few minutes  being thankful that you are not homeless, and appreciating your roof and home today. Also make a contribution to a homeless shelter, so others can come in out of the rain.
Happy National Roof Over Your Head Day!

Scrap about your home or someone else's home or any home in general. .
Or switch: Scrap about your home during the Holidays. Seeing Christmas lights would work.

Please Give a Warm welcome to our December GDT...

Hi there! My name is Lizzy Hill & I live near Sydney, in Australia. I'm in my 50s & have a husband, a dog & 2 grown up sons. I also have 2 grand boys & a host of 'steps' that provide great scrapping material!
My fave paper crafts are LOs & cards, but I'll have a go at anything - because most of all I ADORE challenges of any kind! I've been blessed to be on some beaut Design Teams - 5 currently. I've been published both in Australia & overseas. I think my biggest thrill was having my LO on a scrap magazine cover. That was awesome! Scrappy style? Bold - I love white space, but always want to fill it. And I believe journaling is really important. I do love trying new ideas, too. I feel really honoured to be a Guest Designer this month ~ & hope you find some inspiration in what I've created. Thanks for having me!

And now for some MORE inspiration from our DESIGN TEAM...
And... yahoo... look at this fun Paper Prize Pack from LORI!!  
Just enter our challenges all month long for your chance to WIN!!
Happy Place Collection Kit - Fancy Pants
We are also looking for GDT's for 2016.  So enter, enter, enter!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Time To Vote!

Our challenges for November have now closed and it is time to vote for your favorites! Each person has 4 votes .. use them wisely! Voting will close on Monday, November 30th at 9:00 pm and winner, Top 3 will be announced Tuesday morning!

Happy Voting

Sunday, November 22, 2015

LM #269 - BINGO!

Well hello and welcome to yet another awesome challenge with our Thankful theme this month! This week we are playing BINGO! 4 in a row or really challenge yourself to see if you can play the whole board!

Here's some inspiration to get you started!

2 alphas, 3 patterned papers, stickers, one photo

2 alphas, 3 patterned papers, stickers, and one photo

Diagonal 2 alphas, Tags, Multiple Photos & Brads

Button, Season, Multiple photos and Cardstock

Flowers, Tags, Twine and Circle
Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

4 in a row or challenge yourself to do the whole card!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday Features!

We have some beautiful entries to share with you today from our most recent challenge which is a photo inspiration .. please stop by and say hello to these talented ladies!

Inspirational Photo Challenge
Inspirational Photo Challenge
Inspirational Photo Challenge
Thanks for the inspiration today ladies! Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

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