Our "Scrappy" Friends!


Hello fellow scrapbookers!!! Welcome to "Lasting Memories" which is all about LAYOUTS!! Yes, JUST layouts! There are no cards allowed here. We have weekly themed challenges, but you have the whole month to get in on the fun! Our challenges begin each Sunday at 8am EST and all 4 challenges will end on the date listed on the sidebar at 6pm EST. At month's end, we will choose a GDT to join us for a month! Only one entry per challenge, and no back-linking is allowed since we would love to know that we "challenged" you. We look forward to challenging you and helping you get your pages completed!

Specialized Hosting Sites

A lot of crafters use specialized hosting sites that not all of us have access to. We just wanted to let you know that if we don't comment, it's because we don't have access - but we see your work here at LM and appreciate your taking the time to link up and show off your style!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

LM #290 - Musical Montage - "Current Era"

Hello everyone and welcome to our last challenge of the month! Can you believe that April is almost gone?!  Time is flying by!
Our theme for the month of April has been Musical Montage, and our last challenge of the month is
Current Era

First of all, we want to say thank you to Rainny for being our guest design team member this month! We love to see her beautiful work!
Here is our GDT - Rainny's beautiful layout.
The Songs "I Remember", Debelah Morgan, 2000; "Remember" (A Chinese Song), S.H.E, 2002

I was inspired by the artist Pink...and the colour pink!

Inspired by Katy Perry- Roar
Inspired by "What A Girl Wants" by Christina Aguilera
(lyrics of the chorus are handwritten along the edge of the paper, plus the subject got me going...)

Just a reminder - you have until the 29th to get your layouts for any and all of our challenges linked up for a chance to win this prize by DT member - Tina.

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

FEATURED Reader LAUREN!!! check these out...

Happy Saturday!!  This is a reminder that we have some FUN challenges going on now with a fun prize to win!!  We have one reader that is absolutely rockin' the challenges, so I wanted to showcase her layouts so you can see how EASY it is!!  

Thank you LAUREN - LEM Photography and Papercrafting !!

These are so fun!  Super great take on our challenges!!
Remember... the "ERA" challenges can be musically inspired or "something" from that ERA... not necessarily just a song.  Just don't want you all thinking this is harder than it looks.  :)

Just have fun and can't wait to see what you have!!  

From our "BROADWAY" Inspired challenge...

From our 1970's DISCO ERA inspired challenge...

From our 1980's - Greatest Hits / Digital ERA inspired challenge...

All links on the sidebar to each challenge!!
Remember... you have until April 29th to join in on the fun!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

LMLC # 289-Broadway

 Hello! It's a new week here at Lasting Memories Layout Challenges and that means a new challenge. This month It's all about Musical Montage / ERA time this month... and this week's challenge is

LM 289 - Broadway
This week is anything to do with Broadway or this photo for inspiration!  Should be fun!!
Here is our wonderful GDT for the month - RAINNY
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
And of course our AWESOME DT with their takes!!
Did a layout on an experience in New Your

Did a layout of her cats
went with the cat theme too
Fantastic Layouts. Now it's your turn and we can't wait to see what you all create. All link-ups due April 29th.  Check out the sidebar for our APRIL Prize giveaway!!   Have Fun Ladies!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, April 11, 2016

VOTING for March Layouts LIVE!! - Extended to SATURDAY 4/16/16

UPDATE... I goofed... forgot to include our first March Challenge in the voting.  Please check out LM 282 and cast your votes!!  You now have until end of day Saturday.  Thanks all!!

And Hello Scrapper Friends again... we have enabled VOTING for all of our MARCH entries!!  
Image result for Vote for your favorite pictures

Starting today through end of the day Thursday April 14th... 

SATURDAY April 16th...

please take a moment to vote for your favorite!
You have 2 votes per challenge!
Help us decide the next GDT and TOP 3!

How fun!!

Here are the links to each challenge for March!  Happy Voting!!!

LM 282 - Glitter and Glam

LM 283 - Oscars theme - anything goes
LM 284 - Black Tie Affair
LM 285 - Famous Movie Actor or Quote
LM 286 - and the Award goes to...

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

LMCB # 288 - The 80's!! Dawn of the digital era....

OH my gosh... we are day late and a dollar short.  Please forgive our tardiness!  I haven't been near a computer for 4 days... but am now... so here is our next challenge for APRIL.  It's all about Musical Montage / ERA time this month... and this week's challenge is

LM 288 - THE 80's - The Dawn of the Digital ERA
anything that reminds you of the 80's!!
Colors, Music, Trends, Photos from then... ANYTHING!  Should be fun!!
Here is our wonderful GDT for the month - RAINNY
The song "Lovely Day", Bill Withers, 1988
And of course our AWESOME DT with their takes!!

I used photos from the 80's for my layout.

Used the song, "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N Roses for my title.

When I googled images of 80's music I found a ton of the MTV flag being planted by Neil Armstrong, so that and the neon colors were the inspiration for this layout
Love These!!  Don't forget... we have another challenge that started last Sunday.  All about DISCO.  2 April challenges so far.  All link-ups due April 29th.  Check out the sidebar for our APRIL Prize giveaway!!   Have Fun Ladies!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

LM #287 - Musical Montage "Disco Era"

Hello!! Welcome to a month of new challenges! Our theme is "Musical Montage" and we will be basing your layout on the era for each week! We think you'll love the challenges this month and the first one is the ...

So we're looking for layouts based on this era! Have fun!! Our GDT for the month is the super talented .. RAINNY

Hello, my name is Rainny, and I live in Taiwan.
I've been a secretary in a small company for 11 years.
I got married in May this year and we have a puppy daughter, Riceball.
My husband is very supportive of my hobby.
When I was a university student, I started making cards.
In recent years, I love scrapbooking.
I like to record the life and treasured memories by scrapbooking.
It's my pleasure to be chosen as the guest designer at Lasting Memories.
If you would like to see more of my work, please visit my blog: http://rainny0127.pixnet.net/blog .

Thank you very much.
Best Regards,


Lets get rockin'!!

About Disco, I think of colorful bright lights


I was inspired by the graphics and colors used in 1970's.


How awesome are these layouts!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

It's Coming .. !! But in the meantime ..

We're late with our challenge, it's coming, I promise and you won't be disappointed!! In the meantime, please allow me to introduce 2 new members to our team!

Haven and Barbara!! It's official!
Welcome to the team ladies!!

Super excited to be working with these 2 super talented ladies!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you find time to create with us this week!

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