Our "Scrappy" Friends!


Hello fellow scrapbookers!!! Welcome to "Lasting Memories" which is all about LAYOUTS!! Yes, JUST layouts! There are no cards allowed here. We have weekly themed challenges, but you have the whole month to get in on the fun! Our challenges begin each Sunday at 8am EST and all 4 challenges will end on the date listed on the sidebar at 6pm EST. At month's end, we will choose a GDT to join us for a month! Only one entry per challenge, and no back-linking is allowed since we would love to know that we "challenged" you. We look forward to challenging you and helping you get your pages completed!

Specialized Hosting Sites

A lot of crafters use specialized hosting sites that not all of us have access to. We just wanted to let you know that if we don't comment, it's because we don't have access - but we see your work here at LM and appreciate your taking the time to link up and show off your style!!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

LM #706 - My Favorite Things - Favorite Holiday

Good morning, and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Thanks for checking in with us at Lasting Memories for another fabulous challenge. This is Jill, and I thought it would be fun to focus on a few of our favorite things this month.

LM #706 - Favorite Holiday - showcase your favorite holiday, from Christmas in July to the 4th of July or any other holiday as your theme.

Here are the marvelous layout from the design team:

I choose Halloween as my favourite holiday to scrapbook!

Birthday celebration's is my favorite holiday layout.

I have chosen Easter  as my favourite holiday season. 

I chose the Fourth of July as my favorite holiday to scrap.

I also chose the Fourth of July as my favorite holiday to scrap.

Thanks to the Design Team for inspiring us with your festive layouts this week! Now it's your turn - link up your layouts to the linky below by Saturday, July 6th at 10 PM EST for a chance to be our guest designer for an upcoming month.

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today. We can't wait to see what you create!

Please include your name and the challenge number in the link-up description. Only one link-up per challenge, please.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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